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# Tytuł artykułu Odsłony
31 Optimal Form-Finding of Cable Systems 2315
32 Recovery of the Auxetic Microstructures Appearing in the Least Compliant Continuum Two-Dimensional Bodies 2229
33 Michell structures within L-shaped domains 2457
34 Optimal archgrids: a variational setting 2752
35 Higher order weighted Sobolev spaces on the real line for strongly degenerate weights. Application to variational problems in elasticity of beams 2759
36 Optimal archgrids revisited: variational approach and numerical methods 3076
37 Modelling of Multi-Storey Frame Interacting with Rigid Core of the Building 3155
38 Nagroda im. Mieczysława Wolfkego dla pracowników Zakładu. 3401
39 On optimal archgrids 3354
40 Procedury inwestycyjno-budowlane. Podstawy BIM 3505
41 Wybrane prace ZMBiZI 3485
42 Computational models of reinforced concrete ribbed floor 3860
43 BIM w nauczaniu na kierunku budownictwo 3719
44 Topology optimization of bone using cubic material design and evolutionary methods based on internal remodeling 6475
45 An explicit construction of the underlying laminated microstructure of the least compliant elastic bodies 6995
46 Michell Structures 7839
47 Theory of grillage optimization- A discrete setting, 7398
48 Solmech 2018 - referaty pracowników zakładu 8176
49 Projektowanie 3D+ - wybrane zagadnienia 5007
50 Design of optimum grillages using layout optimization 9060
51 On Risk and Reliability Studies of Climate-Related Building Performance 9313
52 "Najlepszy statyk w Polsce" 5882
53 Material orientation design of planar structures with prescribed anisotropy classes. Study of rhombic systems. 6150
54 Optymalizacja topologiczna materiałów w zakresie sprężystym z założoną klasą anizotropii 5932
55 WCSMO: World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation - prace naszych pracowników 9952
56 Polskie normy BIM - norma IFD 6133
57 SSTA 2017 6044
58 Referaty na CMM 2017 6413
59 The Isotropic and Cubic Material Designs. Recovery of the Underlying Microstructures Appearing in the Least Compliant Continuum Bodies 9625
60 Non-linear shape functions over time in the space-time finite element method 9719
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